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Showing posts from December, 2008

I will not compare!

I have always been decidedly average. Above average in my doting parents' eyes... but average to the rest of the world. Which basically means I didn't fail any classes, kept my head above water and responded when my name was called. What it also meant was that I was always compared to my rather smarter sibling, supposedly smarter cousins and other random people as they showed up in my life by well (or not!) meaning friends and relatives. And now I have two of my own to nourish and nurture and make sure their fledgling emotions don't take the beating mine did while growing up. I therefore promise I will not: 1) Point out that one eats just five-times better than the other. For after all what does it matter? Maybe a few years of my life can be saved from being whiled away at a dinner table saying, "Eat!" in various threatening tones. Only to be met with boredom, smarminess or both. No! I will not compare...just be grateful for the one that DOES eat! 2) I will not wi...


Like I said, the wag is back to her original blog...riffing (sorta) on life with kids... So, those who know me will know how I hate that most phallic of symbols ...the banana!!! Not just the way it looks (though that grosses me out anyways), not its colour not its texture...its smell. The blasted stuff can't ripen without one wanting to run away ...and God forbid if you leave the skin lying around!!! Sheesh! I have famously asked a roommate to please ripen her store of bananas in another friend's room (who if she's still reading this blog will instantly recognize herself!!) because goddamnit I will tolerate a lot of stuff and clean our room but I will not have that stuff around...luckily for me my roommate and the aforementioned friend were both sweet people who agreed to my rather mean request!! And I will not touch fruit salad...brown pieces of sticky banana!! Why this rant you ask? And what does it have to do with either Poo? Well, both girls love the stuff...big, yellow...

Life with two ain't no joke

It's been a while since I wrote as a mom and as the wag since I've been a trifle busy with amma's tales. But life with two kids is finally taking its toll and the need to vent has manifested itself again. Maybe that way, the overwhelming urge to give away children will work itself out of my system. Now don't get me wrong, they're both adorable but life with two is crazy compared to one and followers of the blog will know of my incapacity to deal with one!!! An update: The wag now has two kids having succumbed to the temptation of "cuch a chweet baby" despite her posts about D-Poo being a warning, flashing, blaring siren!! And so I am now the proud, slightly desperate owner of two cuddly pink girls...the second who shall go by the moniker ...hmmmm...for simplicity, let's say K-Poo. The Wag is also now "between jobs (a euphemism for unemployed)" and has moved to the blessed land called Switzerland!! In these terrifically changed circumstances t...